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Persons referenced in the collection.
W. PALMER. (1 associated work)
WALKER (1 associated work)
WALLER. (1 associated work)
Mention (1)
WHITE (1 associated work)
WHITESTONES (1 associated work)
WILLIAMS (1 associated work)
Waldman (1 associated work)
Mention (2)
Walton (1 associated work)
Mention (6)
Watson (2 associated works)
Werter (1 associated work)
Mention (1)
Wheatley, Phillis, 1753-1784 (11 associated works)
- "To S. M. a young African Painter, on seeing his Works"
- "To the University of Cambridge, in New-England"
- "On the Death of the Rev. MR. GEORGE WHITEFIELD"
- "To Maecenas"
- "On the Death of J. C. an Infant"
- "An HYMN to the EVENING"
- "To the KING's Most Excellent Majesty"
- "NIOBE in Distress for her Children slain by APOLLO, from Ovid's Metamorphoses, Book VI. and from a view of the Painting of Mr. Richard Wilson"
- "Upon Being Brought from Africa to America"
- Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral
William (1 associated work)
Mention (25)
William Cooke (1 associated work)
Williams Bathoe (1 associated work)